Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Some things everyone should have for $20 or less...

1) Screwdrivers
Seriously, do you know how many things we are are built with screws?  Lots!  So, we need to be prepared for when, not if, they fall apart.

2) Fire extinguisher
These are not all that great for a raging house fire, but when a cooking experiment goes wrong, this will do the job.

3) Jumper cables
If everyone had jumper cables in their car, we would never have to work about needing help.  As long as we're around other people, our car will start back up again.

4) Car cellphone charger
We really too much on our cellphones to not have one of these.  What happens when you are using your cell's GPS and it dies?  You're lost.  Good luck!

5) Rechargeable batteries
We never buy the non-rechargeable now.  They last so much longer and are totally worth the price.

6) Dry shampoo
Girls, I plan outfits around my use of dry shampoo.  When you need more sleep and have no time to shower, dry shampoo takes about 5 seconds to apply and makes your hair look good as new.  It also helps give hair texture to perfect a messy bun or increase the volume a tad.

7) The right pillow
The object we lay our heads on play a huge role in how well we sleep.  Waking up with a kink in our neck is not pleasant. 

8) Lifestraw
For when you are stranded in the middle of nowhere and need clean water to drink.  DO NOT drink water without sanitizing it first.  This straw does it for you.  If you're in for a real adventure, boiling the water would be the way to go. 

9) Swiss army knife
There are things daily a knife is needed for.  Opening a jar, spreading butter, cutting a box, etc.   

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