Wednesday, September 16, 2015

10 Worst Jobs

  1. Funeral Director
You would be constantly associated with the grieving family and friends of the one that died. You would have to be the strong spirit among tears and sorrow. No one wants to see you. They are only there because they have to be.

  1. Professional Smeller
Not only would I be smelling perfumes, but body odor and spoiled food. My nose would experience unpleasant smells. To me, this makes smelling nice things not worth it!
  1. Crime Scene Cleaner
No matter how strong my stomach is, I know there are things I do not want to see. Crime scenes are unpredictable. You never know what you'll be cleaning.

  1. Sewer Inspector
I would be dealing with everything that is flushed down the down. That includes bugs, toilet paper, and human excrement. The smell would be horrendous.

  1. Truck Driver
This may interest some people, but being on the road for hours a day sounds boring. I love driving but I would get sick of it quickly. Sitting in one place for a long period of time is not something I enjoy doing. And, I need to be around other people, not by myself all day.
  1. Embalmer
This job makes funeral director look fun. Funeral directors don't necessarily have to see the dead body. Embalmers not only see the body, but have to touch it and handle it.
  1. Lab Rat
Lab rats are human test-tubes. Chemicals and products are tested on the lab rat before being sold elsewhere. You never know how the chemicals will act in your body. It could easily be fatal.

  1. Plumber
Some people enjoy fixing leaky pipes. I barely enjoy cleaning my own bathroom, let alone fixing a stranger's bathroom.

These are all unattractive jobs. Surprisingly, they are decent paying jobs. Most people, like me, don't want anything to do with these responsibilities. Employers pay good money to attract people to these occupations. Are we willing to do nasty, disturbing jobs in order to make a lot of money? Or would we rather leave this jobs in someone else's hand and make less money? Sacrifices are in order, that's for sure.

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