Monday, September 28, 2015

Sarah Liu's Story Part 1

On September 26th, the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) organization came to Skyline Baptist, my home church.  VOM is a group of people that are willing to assist Christians being persecuted around the world.  On their website you can find their five main purposes for their organization ( 

I was able to attend this conference and want to share with you what I learned.  There were four speakers.  I was only able to see two of them.  The second speaker , Sarah Liu, is who I want to talk about.

Sarah Liu's family lived in China.  Her mother became the first Christian in her family.  She would pray with tears every day for her family to believe what she believed.  Sarah was not interested in her mother's new-found relationship with God.  Sarah passed the test to enter college but her family had no money for her to go to school.  Sarah was very upset and depressed that she could not continue her education.

Sarah was invited to a party by her extended family.  The party was three hours away form her home and did not start until 10:00 at night.  She was very confused as to why the party started so late at night.  She wondered, "What kind of party is this?".  The party ended up being three days long.  It was full of prayer and worship for Jesus Christ.  During this party is when Sarah met Jesus for the first time.  This is when she truly understood what it meant to believe in God and know Jesus.

Her old dream to go to college changed when she became a Christian.  She no longer wished to go to school.  Now, she dreamed of serving Christ the rest of her life.  Her mother was able to send her to a three month long bible training.  During those three months, Sarah learned about the four Gospel books. 

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