Wednesday, September 30, 2015


What is patience?  According to, patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.  How many of us really have the true definition of patience.  What is a virtue?  Coming from the same source, a virtue is a behavior showing high moral standards.  I think it is safe to say that patience is a virtue.

Taking the definition for patience word by word, we can see that not only do we have to tolerate a delay, but it has to be without being upset or angry.  Many people have managed to be patient while being impatient.  They can tolerate the delay, but not without complaining and showing their irritation. 

How do we achieve pure patience?  Does it come from experience?  Can it be passed down from generation to generation?  Can it become a habit?  Where does patience begin?  Does it have an end? 

There are so many aspects of patience.  I'm not sure that it is even possible to be patient at all times.  Imagine the most patient person, reacting well in every situation, until the day they just lose control.  We are not perfect human beings.  Only a perfect human could be patient all the time. 

This perspective goes for many characteristics.  Joy, happiness (there is a difference between the two), kindness, gentleness, love, peace, and so on.  We were all created with different characteristics.  Those with kindness may not know how to be happy.  Those who are gentle may not be peaceful. 

For some reason, patience has been on my mind lately.  I guess, before I bought my car, I had to have so much patience.  I knew when I wanted the car but God had other plans.  Boy, am I glad I waited.  The car I have now fits all my needs.  I just had to be patient. 

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