Thursday, September 10, 2015

My Life in a Nutshell

Who am I?

I was born in Wisconsin.  I had bilateral hip dysplasia.  In other words, both of my hips were lined up incorrectly in my hip sockets.  I wore a brace for the first nine months of life in order to keep my hips in place.  This brace fully healed my hips and I was walking once the brace came off.  I started Kindergarten and discovered my love for learning.

After my Kindergarten year, my family and I moved to Florida.  My dad got a job there and I started first grade.  Halfway through second grade my family moved again to a tiny town in Iowa.  We lived there for about six years.  This is the place I call home.  My childhood took place here.  I made lifelong friends.  I was in sports and extracurricular activities.  The school I went to was a K-12 school.  This means the school had all thirteen grades in one building.  There were about sixty kids in my grade.  We all knew everything about each other.  This small-town living shaped me in to who I am today. 

We moved once again to Florida.  It was a different part of Florida this time.  I began seventh grade in a big school.  This is the first big school I have ever gone to.  I didn’t know everyone.  This was a big change for me, going from knowing everyone in my class to not knowing anyone.  I was lonely and stopped enjoying school as much.  I wanted to stay home most days and not have to deal with people from my school.  Times did get better but I lost my desire to learn as much.  All while living in Florida, our house was on the market in Iowa.  It never sold and after a year in Florida, we moved back to our house in Iowa.

I was excited to be back with the same people I grew up with.  It felt as though I had never left.  I got right back in the hang of things with familiar people.  My love for school was rekindled and I thrived in class.  I looked forward to graduating with these people, my childhood friends.

I was shattered when I heard the news.  We were moving again, this time to Missouri.  I would be leaving my home to start over somewhere else.  We moved the summer before my sophomore year.  That summer my parents also decided that I would be homeschooled.  So, not only was I taken from my home but I would not be able to replant myself in a new school.  I was completely on my own, not knowing anyone.  This was crushing.  I was mad at a lot of people, blaming them that we moved.  I did not see how this could be beneficial to me.  I was looking through a microscope instead of a telescope. 

We have been in Missouri for over two years now.  I still miss my hometown in Iowa.  I miss it a lot, but I have lots of friends here.  I have a good job and have learned so much while being homeschooled.  I have learned what I am capable of while teaching myself.  I still get to graduate with other homeschooled students.  I still visit my hometown.  The memories have made footprints on my heart.  I treasure those footprints.  I wouldn’t trade them for anything else. 

Moving so much in my life has been a crazy ride but I know I am me because of my story.   

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