Sunday, September 20, 2015

Remebering 9/11

To those who lost someone September 11, 2001.

I cannot begin to imagine what you have had to go through these past fourteen years.  Not only do you remember every year on that day but the entire country remembers.  Even those that were blessed to not lose anyone still feels the pain you are suffering. 

You may have lost someone trying to save others.  It may have been someone coming home from work.  It may have been someone going on vacation.  It may have been someone going to work.  It could have been anyone.  Did you get to say goodbye?

America has done a good job ensuring no one ever forgets that day.  It is a reminder for those who did not lose anyone to take a moment and comfort those who did lose someone.  Maybe, these annual reminders are not good for the ones that did loose someone.  You don't need a reminder.  You remember every day.  You live without that person.  You grow without that person. 

America has worked diligently to increase safety because of this event occurring.  Since 9/11 we have not had an attack that big.  We have managed to protect our country from suffering another lost like this.  Are we doing all we can do?  Is there something we can be doing better to prevent another attack?

I did not lose someone so all I can do is encourage you.  I can only pretend I know what you have had to go through.  Anger.  Bitterness.  Grief.  Sorrow.  Regrets.  I know those feelings individually but not together like you do.

What do you do to encourage others?  You are able to connect more because you know how it feels.  Since this event, what has changed in your life for the better?  How has this loss shaped you into the person you are today? 

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