Saturday, September 19, 2015


There are times in life when struggles don't seem worth it.  No matter how good the outcome will be, the obstacles are too tall, too wide, too deep.  What keeps me going?  What pushes me forward?

God is the main one that pushes me towards the end.  I know He provides for all my needs.  He is taking care of me.  With that knowledge I am able to rely and trust in Him when I am not strong enough to stand on my own.  He is my Rock, my Shield, and my Fortress.  He will always be there.  I can talk to Him whenever I want.  I can ask for guidance and He will lead me through.  The obstacles are so much easier when I am not alone.

My family pushes me through.  They strengthen me when I am getting weak.  They hold me up when I am falling back.  They motivate me so that I can strengthen myself and be stronger than when I started.  They know my strengths and weaknesses.  With their prayers added to mine, getting through a struggle is possible.

Without God and without family makes getting through life impossible.  I am weak.  I am vulnerable.  I am not capable of doing things on my own.  But, I am strong-willed.  I am a control-freak.  I am stubborn.  With that being said, I feel that I can do things until I try and realize that I cannot do it on my own. 

Life has bumps and bruises.  Life is not easy.  Life can treat you like junk.  Life can put you down and hold you up.  It’s unreliable.  It’s moody.  It changes its mind. God is consistent.  God never changes His mind.  God is reliable.  God is loving.  God is a necessity in this chaotic, hectic world.  I am nothing without Him. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. You are right. Life is not easy, but know it is certainly good. ~Ms. A.
