Monday, September 28, 2015

Sarah Liu's Story Part 2

Once Sarah returned form bible training, she felt a calling from God to serve those who did not yet know Him.  Sarah was arrested once while telling others about God.  Her dad brought her home and tried convincing her stay with him, where she would be safe.  She said no, that she had to go back out to serve God.  She knew that her love for Jesus had to be bigger than her love for her dad.  Her dad was not a Christian and did not understand this.  He disowned her.

Sarah was arrested a second time.  Her dad came to get her.  He still loved her, even though she chose to leave home.  He tried convincing her again, to stay home.  Still, she did not stay home.  She went back out to tell people about GOd.

Sarah was arrested a third time.  This time, she was held hostage.  He feet were shackled.  She was beaten.  She wanted to give up and prayed to God that He would save her form her torture.  As she prayed, her mind saw an image of Jesus when He was beaten and tortured.  His body was bruised and bloody.  He died for her.  Could she not do the same?  This image gave her the courage to stay strong while they continued to hurt her body.

Sarah was released from prison and is back out there, telling people about God.

I have never suffered this kind of persecution for my faith.  Sarah's story taught me many things.  First, I am blessed to live in a country where I can believe in God freely.  Second, I need to be willing to lay down my life for the One that laid His life down for me.  God will provide for me and keep me safe.  But, the day may come where my safety is no longer on earth but in heaven.   

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