Wednesday, September 9, 2015


This post is inspired by a question asked on the “Get to Know Your Audience” discussion board.  It is a popular question, whether it is being asked aloud or silently to yourself.  It’s rather a tricky question.  It gives people the opportunity to make up scenarios and act them out.  If they were to truly experience these scenarios, would they make the choices they say they would?  This is a selfish question, of sorts.  The question is,

What would you do with a million dollars?

See what I mean?  We don’t truly know how we would respond unless we have just received a million dollars.  We can make ourselves look better by saying what we think everyone wants to hear.  We hear answers like we’d help our families.  We’d give it to a charity.  These things may be true but then I think about the people that already have a million dollars.  Did they once say they’d give to charities and family?  Is that how they use their money?  Or, now that they have it, do they keep it for themselves? 

I am guilty of blurting out the typical answers.  I’d help my family.  I’d put it in my savings account.  I’d donate it and help people out.  But, I wonder what I would actually do.  As a human, born a sinner and selfish, would I keep my word if I ever do have a million dollars? 

Now, hold on a second.  Do I need a million dollars to help my family?  Do I need a million dollars to donate to charities?  What’s wrong with the money I have?  Why can’t I give that away?  Because I’m selfish.  We are all selfish human beings, wanting to give ourselves more and more.  It hurts us to use our money for someone else’s good.  Yes, there are good people out there that do amazing things with their money.  But even they will struggle with selfish desires.  It is inevitable.  We all have them. 

America is not a poor country.  We are in good shape.  Even the poor Americans have more than the rich people in other countries.  To other countries, we already have a million dollars.  So, let’s restate the question.

What are you doing with your million dollars?

1 comment:

  1. A very nice self reflective post. I am thinking about what I am doing with my million. ~Ms. A.
